Blog update delays

Sorry about lack of blog updates! I am in Costa Rica! But I will be back and updating soon! Lots to share and lots to show you all! Back at square 0 or 1 on my training but hoping the hiking will have helped.

While you wait, I will let this three toed sloth keep you company!!!


Update on the Blog side of things

I plan on updating and moving this blog to it’s VERY OWN PROPRIETARY DOMAIN! WOOO WOOO!!!! (i just gotta do it)

Since the husby is out this weekend as well as the roommate, I should have some spare time. Here’s hopin I get offa my bum and DO SOMETHIN!

Also, started a facebook page for my blog; check it out here!

bikes, stripes, fruit striped dance party bikes?

so what originally sparked this post and the thoughts of this post was a couple of things. One was the fact that my husby and I are making a conscious effort to get into biking.

The second is that today, I was outside, walking Aldy around and waiting for him to pee in the heat of the afternoon and this awesome jam comes on, ok no lie… it was Be-yon-ce. Ring the alarm. And I just started breakin it down hand movements and rump shaking…. and as I am doing a turn around ring the alarm motion, I see that across the street an older dude wearin cowboy boots and denim vest and shades, sitting on the stoop, was staring at me laughing to himself. And it  ade me realize that while at that moment it was funny, that phrase about dancing like no one is watching and singin like no one is around… yea, it’d be a shorter phrase if you just said stop giving a shit and your life will get a lot better. I get it…. it’s a PR world. Life is what you make it and while many are trying to watch their image because they represent something much bigger whether it be through their job or their family or so on, the ones that don’t care, seem to have a little more fun (openly anyway) and I def see advantages to BOTH life styles.

so today, I gave it more of a shot and proceeded (after dancing) to sing and RAP really loudly. It led to some embarrassing moments but I am learning to push pass those and move forward.

Now to address the first part of this post… biking. I have never been much of a biker. I have had friends that are extreme bikers… some of my coworkers bike to work. Even my boss bikes in to work occasionally. My thoughts, as I rode the metro this morning, were to maybe give biking to work a shot. I spoke with a couple of my coworkers who ride every day. One woman swears it’s her sanity. And she recommended I speak with the head of our photog dept, so I did. He got me set up with the woman who is going to give me a bike key and then also is going to show me where to go with my bike to lock it up and where to go to shower up and such. He is even gonna share his route with me since part of his route is the majority of mine. Anyway, so thoughts? Any other bikers out there that bike to work?

Also, we plan on getting a doggy cruiser/trailer to pull our pug along with my husby and I on bike trips (see below). My dad says I am crazy and couldnt even begin to fathom why I would want to do something like that.

(this is not my pug pictured… when we get him a trailer, I will get up a pic.) anyway gotta start dinner and walk the puggy. tata for now.

The Wake up Process

Drinking coffee



waking up...



and GO TIME!!!

It has come to my attention

that people occasionally LOOK at this site! THAT is freakin AWESOME!!!!! HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!

Well let’s see. This is what happened:

a dude wore a scrunchie:



Melinda and I made some cheese art at union st pub



this girl wore too much make up…



i freaked out cause i bought a place to live.


then i moved into that place to live and when I was going through my books, unpacking them and such and discovered my shakespere anthology (one of my surprisingly more favored classes in college) and then i saw this online and couldnt resist:



happy tuesday!

Cuddle Club


Side note: I was doing my standard morning run this morning and a bird peed on my shirt. I saw it… and then I took a picture of it.


so here’s the deal…. i get that because i drive a nissan x-terra people think it will do great in snow, that it is an all-wheel drive or 4WD SUV… news flash!!!! not all models are all-wheel drive/4WD — for some unknown, yet, utterly retarded reason, they made the Nissan X-terra with a 2wd option… and I am not talking Front wheel drive… OH NO! it is rear wheel drive…. and i happen to own one of these types of the car… a rear wheel drive nissan x-terra…

now, if you know anything about driving in snow or ice and anything about rear wheel drive vehicles, then you know that my car wont do well in this stuff… so please stop asking.  thank you.  becca


ps:  and why in god’s name would anyone make an SUV REAR WHEEL DRIVE!?? That is just stupid. and i know it is even stupider to buy one… so yea, my bad. BWAAAAAAAHHHHHH

Two things you oughta know about microwaves, rakes, and women

ok, here are two videos:

what happens when you hit a microwave with a rake 😀


and the manslator (this needs to actually exist):




Good evening to my hump day readers

YOU MUST LISTEN TO THIS SONG WHILE YOU READ THIS POST!  (just press play and read the post)


I am coming to you after work, when you all are prolly sitting around with a significant other and thinking “sexy thoughts”… well I have one for you, and it prolly isn’t what you think.

So I was making a cd for my bestie and she asked me to put this song called toot it and boot it on there. Mind you, I dig the beat and had downloaded it a couple of weeks back. So I am jammin out and that song comes on and I listened to some of the words, and immediately my thoughts went to this dude is singin and rappin about farting and then puking…. NO WAY! Keep in mind, I did not have a visual because I was JUST listening to the music….

So at this point I decide to investigate further… and I discover that homeboy isn’t rappin about farting and puking but hitting it and quitting it… and so it got me thinkin…

Maybe people should rap about farting and puking for once because they always joke about it and when you think about it hittin it and quittin it… slightly disrespectful and not to mention it’s WAY over done.

anyway, good beat. makes your head bob. thas about it.

Happy hump day! and know that I am retarded, but it makes me laugh.

idioacy at it’s finest

SOOOOOOOOOO…. last night the FIANCEE (cause he isnt my boyfriend anymore…very strange) and I decided to add a little excitement to our otherwise dull evening. Now if you guessed that we went outside and set off a rocket firework (yes from fourth of july and yes we realize it is October…) and shot off our potato gun…. then you were correct.

atomic bomb

atomic bomb style

Last night, we shot off a rocket firework that normally shoots up into the air. But if you have been reading, and/or know me then you know that nothing ever goes normally OR according to plan. So of course I beg to be the one to light it. So we set it up so it has a clear shot into the sky from our driveway last night and go to set it off. Well, one of the rock tail things falls off and it spirals up and over and it was about to hit something and landed in our yard where it fizzled out with very little enthusiasm. It was just weird and anyway, as it was fizzling, the fiancee went over to make sure it was completely out. yknow. only you can prevent forest fires and all that jazz. well only we can start mild fizzling on our front lawn… and then stamp it out, like a good american would.  🙂  so after that amazingly eventful firework rocket, we went to the potato gun.

So we built a potato gun a couple of weeks back and it is basic, (see plans below):

basic potato gun plans

basic potato gun plans

Ours kind of looks like that. Anyway, we have a bag full of potatoes that we have been using as ammo for this gun. Well, Jerid shot off the first potato and all was well and fine, he is very talented; yay potato guns! Well, then lucky me and him! It’s my turn. So I am holding it and I have it ready to go, and we have set up one of those flick starters so it is a little bit of a challenge for my little fingers. Anyway, so he has me all set to go and I have it aimed and I am flicking it, and NOTHING is happening… so I keep flicking… flicking…flicking… and then when I am not holding the potato gun so tight and I am thinking it is never going to go off, the gun goes off and jumps backward almost hitting Jerid in the knee and his car’s bumper… hehe. oops.

anyway, happy monday. sunday night was awesome. oh yea, and the skins won! w00t!

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