Could you be Loved?

dude, so i know it has been a little bit of time since my last post. here is the deal: i have recently taken on a bunch of extra curricular activities. all of them take time and one of them is helping to shape my future (school).  so i havent made a whole lot of time to create blog posts in the recent weeks. my bad yo. i will try to get better about that.

now, i know today is Wednesday; hump day. but before we get to the hump day posts, i feel the need to express some recent changes i have made in myself.

I am no longer one of the blue balls. i am now a yellow ball! YOU CAN BE ONE TOO!!!

recently, i have tried to take a turn towards a more positive life. i have cut back on swearing, gossip, trash tv, and a number of other things that are bad for me (although i did up the sugar intake hehe).  since i have been actively trying to be more positive, i have managed to handle situations differently then i used to, and THIS is a good thing. causing me less strife. anyway, this video, not necessarily super positive in lyrics, but actually just in the message the video footage itself sends makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. it also allowed me to get a renewed appreciation for my once favorite band and has allowed me to see this band in a new and more positive light rather than associating them with the darkest period of my life. so here ya go:

all of this has also caused me to realize that i have some truly excellent people in my life :-).  i celebrated my two year anniversary with myself earlier this month; two years of amazing times and i actually REMEMBER ALL OF THEM! with that said, it helped bring about this change. with that said, i will now provide you with somethin for hump day 🙂



Happy humpday