
when people try and strip you of your free will, listen to rage against the machine.  here is an awesome rendition of some rage done by the GMU band:

Hump day, BITCHES!

so here it is… it’s the end of February and you may have the blues because it’s Wednesday and you realize you still have two more full days till the weekend. Well, here are some things to help you along….

HILARIOUS! This party just took a turn for the douche!

It really gets awesome when Maeby Funke shows up!


ANNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDD! llames with hats! #4

Happy FREAKIN’ Valentine’s Day

Happy Freakin’ Valentine’s Day

We here at OneLittleBecca Inc. have successfully celebrated the Lonely Hearts Club day on February 14, every year for approximately 13 years. The Lonely Hearts Club, Marshall Edition, founded by Rachel, assisted me through many a v-day. This year, while I am no longer a member, I take time to support my friends that are still members and show my support. I have never been an extreme fan of this day of the year when Hallmark and the jewelry companies have commercialized the celebration of St. Valentine…  although, it is an EXCELLENT excuse to have a party at work.

Our office is like the Office (thursday nights, nbc, 8pm). We have a Party Planning Committee and we use any excuse we can to have a party… often times with cake. YUM! I don’t really have much more on it other than uhhhh go team! And yknow what I will be doing with my fiance this evening…? Plowing our way through season 5 of Lost! SOOOOOOO romantic! hahahahaha

The most accurate Valentine Card!

Happy FREAKIN’ Valentine’s Day!

Better Late than Never.

well, better late than never…

it has been snowing and icing on and off here since Tuesday, which seems to be driving a lot of people crazy… me on the other hand, I am just goin with the flow. On the days I get to work from home, I really enjoy it. I don’t mind bundling up to make the 1.5 mile walk up to work….

This is what I look like…and I waddle all the way to work.

well, not much has happened here in the winter wonderland that is my place of residence… my dog loves the snow, can’t get enough of it. and I just want to have one day (which should be tomorrow) to go out and get supplies and then I don’t care how much it snows. Snow me in with some hot cocoa and some LOST (we are at the end of the second season) and my puppy and fiance and bodda bing bodda boom. I am good for a week.

Anyway, saw this today, thought it was hilarious. The joke is that it is something my brother would do, but I have done the December 3 thing at work, and at my mom’s work when I was in high school.

yea. ok. I am out. sorry this was kind of a week hump day. I will do better next week.