
Hey yall, I have moved over to  — figured it was time to update the look and feel! Visit me there, where you will find my 2012 wrap up (shortly)!

Grinch Style?

So here I sit. Waiting. On everyone and everything (may be over dramatized to get point across)….

Ok, I am not waiting on everyone and everything, but I am waiting on quite a few things and people. I am waiting for people to acknowledge my emails that I have sent with an OK or an I am in or whatever pertains to a good response to an email…. I am waiting for life stuff to pan out. I am waiting to pull myself out of my current funk. I am just plain waiting I guess. It seems that around the holidays, everyone else puts shit on pause…. I am Jewish. Yea, my mom is catholic and so she has a tree and we open gifts on Christmas and I go to services with her and hell, I even enjoy it most of the time. I like Christmas carols and I enjoy the smells, lights and everything that comes with the holiday (minus the religious aspects of it as far as pertaining to the baby jesus)…. but if you ask me if I am in church on Easter or any of the other major Christian holidays, the answer is no. I do take off work for Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, etc. however…. just so there is no confusion.

I mean, dont get me wrong, I was truly blessed to have a split household growing up because it enabled me to learn about religion and religious tolerance and hell, I explored a number of other religions in college, but I always came back to Judaism. Now, this is neither here nor there.

Maybe because I am me or I worked at a place for 3 years that was literally open 365 days a year, I am used to working on holidays, on all eves and hell, even on Christmas day. So to me, working the week of Christmas and having things due then is not a big issue. If I am at work, I assume you expect me to be working. This, to me, makes sense and I understand that this is not how everyone operates by any means. In regular jobs that actually close on government holidays, people take time off around them to enjoy and spend time with family and generally relax. Relax – this word very rarely enters my vocabulary. I feel like for about 3-4 years after college, I did “relax” so to speak. I mean I worked, but I didn’t have the work ethic then that I have now. Then, I never took work home with me. I did no work on the side and I just generally did what was necessary at work and left it as such…

Now, I do what it takes to get work done. I check work email at home and complete projects when needed wherever I am. I do side work (have about 3-4 projects going), I am in school and I am working on some personal projects. To say this is a drastic change from what I was a mere 5 years ago, is an understatement. With that being said, I think it is important to note that this change occurred about 3.5 years back in June of 2009. In the past year, I have had to find a balance between all of this stuff AND being able to see friends and kick it with the pup pup. While I am still working on my work-life balance and trying to get enough time for everything, I still am managing to do the thing to an extent… but I also have some issue with making it to all friend functions or getting a sa project completed when I underestimate time (I am noramlly within 24-48 hours of stated deadline but lord) and then end up feeling like I am letting someone down, always. And when I fail at spending time with the husband and the pup pup, I feel even more guilty because they are around all of the time, yet dont always get the attention the deserve from me because of all of this other stuff….

With the new year coming, and my training about to take a step up due to my goals of 13 in 2013, I have to say that my time management will be stepping up and I will actually begin to say no to some outside projects to get other stuff done. God bless my husband, he has started running and now runs the first couple of miles with me on my long runs on Saturday mornings. We calls them our run dates! He is so awesome!

Presently I am waiting to find out if I made it into my program and focuses for grad school – I find out on the 21st (assuming the world doesn’t end, HAH! we all know it isnt gonna, right? right? i know it aint. NASA put stuff up about how silly that is!).

I am also waiting for registration to open for the Marine Corps 17.75k (which includes guaranteed entry to MCM). I am waiting on me manning up and registering for tough mudder (what the hell am i so afraid of?) and I am waiting on the people who are making decisions to make them so I can move forward. I didnt get into NWM DC and I am bitter, but no worries, cause itll pass. I am too awesome to beg for a spot. BUT if you end up selling your bib, lemme know. 😛

With all of this waiting, you prolly wonder why I dont just kick back and relax a little while I wait? Why you ask? Because I don’t want to go insane. Which I would. If I tried this whole waiting thing. Anyway I have rambled enough. A few things I want to share with you before we leave today:


I am really proud of it.

2) I am done waiting for this: I AM A GIRLS GONE SPORTY AMBASSADOR!

3) The Redskins actually stand a chance of making it to the playoffs?!!? This is AWESOME news!!! We are tied for first place in the NFC East! Also a first in several years. I am also going to my first redskins game ever (long time fan, first time game goer) on Dec 30 at FedEx to watch the Skins take on the Cowboys. It could be a deciding game for playoffs as well as a rival grudge match. Here’s hopin we man up!

4) Happy holidays, no matter your religion and what you celebrate, festivus for the rest of us and all that jazz.

Festivus for the Rest of Us!

This is a pug I found on the interwebs and not aldy

and this pretty much sums up how i roll these days:

happy tis the season y’all. 🙂

13 in 2013, Apollo 17 40th and December is here.

my husband is gonna haaaaaaate me! I signed up to do 13 races in 2013. My justification — I already have 7 that I am either registered for, waiting on registration to open, or anticipating lottery results to get in. I am more than halfway there and with the starters saying they are going to host 4 virtual races, that brings my total to 11 (to me, virtual races, while still races, can be done on training runs). So I need 2 more and I intend to pick up Ragnar Relay DC or run geek run in sept and jingle all the way in dec again next year so I think I can handle this (assuming my body doesn’t start to hate me). But nothing and I mean NOTHING will stop me from my end ultimate goal of Marine Corps Marathon 2013 in October.

I want to run a marathon. Not sure why in the hell I would wanna do this, but I am gonna do it and I am gonna do it well! And I have my sights set on the Marine Corps Marathon. I ran the MCM 10k this past October and it was great! I figure if I am going to be running a little more than half of the distance in training, I might as well go balls to the wall and handle business. Plus, how many people can claim the title “Marathoner”? And over the past year, I have fallen more in love with running than I ever thought I would. I mean sure, in high school I ran to stay in shape for soccer and in college, I ran to get rid of the freshman 15 (good lord it happens to everyone). And I started running 4 years ago to help change my outlook on life, and relieve stress. This past year alone, with a fair amount of help from Michelle, Leah, Sheena and a couple of others, I started really enjoying  running. And hell, I even started to enjoy racing! WHO KNEW?! Mr. Mensh would never have been able to predict that with all of the excuses I gave in high school!

SO I have 6 races prior to MCM 2013 as of right now, my first ever half included and I am really excited! So yea, game plan, injury free and running my first marathon along with 12 other races.

A couple of other administrative things (that I am REALLY proud of!): Apollo 17 has it’s 40th anniversary today and I created the flash feature for it on NASA’s homepage!!! This is really exciting because I have been working really hard on these features and this being one of them, I am just so freakin proud, I have no words.

December is here. Where in the heck did December come from? I feel like at the end of October, time just started to fly by. Thanksgiving came and went and now into December, holiday parties, etc. Channukah starts Sunday, Christmas is soon after and I have a final and my first ever book club meeting in between!

December is going to be busy, but fun! I am really looking forward to my husband’s face when he opens his holiday gift! My mom picked hers out but I know she will appreciate the little surprise she is going to get also. and I still need to get my dad and brother something! I am SO behind!